Stable Foundations Program at our THRIVE Home

Transformative Hub for Resilience, Independence, Vision, and Empowerment

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Whats it about?

At Empower Youth, we're proud to introduce our Stable Foundations Program within out THRIVE home-based hub, specifically designed to empower and support young people aged 8-16 on their journey towards healing, growth, and empowerment.

Who It's For:

Our Stable Foundations program is aimed at young people aged 8-16 who may be facing challenges such as trauma, developmental difficulties, self-harm, or suicidal thoughts. We provide evidence-based trauma-informed therapeutic care to address these issues, ensuring that every participant receives the support they need to thrive.

Day Time Respite Care:

Our Stable Foundations program offers one-on-one respite care, providing a safe and supportive environment within our home-based hub environement setup for children and young people to recharge and receive personalized support. Participants generally arrive at 9am and depart at 5pm, however we can be flexible depending on the availability.

NDIS Participants Welcome:

Our Stable Foundations program welcomes NDIS participants with ADHD, ASD, developmental delay, and other challenges. All referrals undergo thorough assessment during intake to ensure that our program is tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual.

Expert Therapeutic Care:

Central to our Stable Foundations program is our professional therapeutic team, consisting of a registered counselor and qualified psychologists. They bring a wealth of experience and expertise in trauma-informed care, providing personalized support and guidance to help young people overcome obstacles and build resilience.

Path to Empowerment:

We believe in the power of empowerment and tailor our program to meet the unique needs and goals of each young person. Through a combination of therapeutic interventions, life skills training, and community engagement, we empower participants to take control of their lives and work towards a brighter future.

Activities and Engagement:

Our Stable Foundations program offers a diverse range of activities and engagement opportunities within our home-based hub, including:

  • Therapeutic counseling sessions to address trauma and emotional challenges.
  • Life skills training focused on essential skills such as communication, problem-solving, and decision-making.
  • Community outings and activities to promote socialization, confidence-building, and independence.
  • Creative arts and expressive therapies to encourage self-expression and emotional healing.
  • Fitness and recreational activities to promote physical health and well-being.
  • Educational support and assistance with resume writing, job hunting, and further education opportunities.

The LAC Diary: A Journey of Growth and Achievement

We have create a LAC Diary! This will be a personalized journal for all particpants where we capture the amazing journey they are on with us at Empower Youth. Each entry is a celebration of thier progress, achievements, and all the wonderful experiences we share together.

Participant Observations:
We're excited to share positive observations, noting your engagement, mood, and remarkable progress during each session. From moments of laughter to breakthroughs in personal growth, we're here to celebrate every step forward with you.

Our dedicated team provides reflections on your progress, highlighting your strengths and the remarkable growth you've shown. Celebrating achievements, big and small, is our way of recognizing the incredible potential within you.

Assessment Results:
Receive summaries of our assessments, offering insights into your unique skills, abilities, and challenges. This knowledge helps us tailor our support to meet your specific needs, ensuring every step forward is purposeful and empowering.

Goals and Recommendations:
Together, we set personalized goals based on our observations and assessment results. These goals serve as guideposts on your journey, helping us navigate towards a future filled with success and fulfillment.

Closing Thoughts:
As each diary entry concludes, know that our team is filled with excitement for your progress. With optimism and hope, we're here to support you as you strive towards your goals. Your journey with us is filled with endless possibilities, and we're honored to be part of it.

Ready to embark on this transformative journey with us? Join Empower Youth and start your Stable Foundations experience today!