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Empower YOU

Explore Our Online Courses

Discover our range of online courses priced at only $20 per short course. Dive into our series of caregiver courses titled Empower YOUr Parenting Journey: Mastering Essential Skills for Supporting Children's Well-being. Currently available in the series are:

  • Attachment Essentials: Nurturing Secure Bonds for Lifelong Well-being
  • Emotion Mastery: Building Resilience through Emotional Regulation

A new course is due to be released on February 23, 2024. Check back for updates on the latest course.

Go to:Empower YOUth Learning Hub.

If you're looking for a more in-depth understanding, consider visiting our partner, Knightlamp Institute. Over the past ten years, around 12,000 professionals and carers have attended their Trauma Informed Practice seminars. Now, they are proud to announce the launch of their first online eLearning webinar series:

Trauma Informed Behaviour Support: Presented by Stephan Friedrich

With Stephan's conversational approach, delicate humor, and real anecdotes, this well-researched and evidenced fundamental series is as close to a live seminar as we could possibly make it. Approximately 6 hours of self-paced investment into your professional development that will last you a lifetime and vastly improve your practice.

To celebrate the launch of the series, Knightlamp Institute is offering a 30% discount for the first two weeks (expires February 25, 2024). Simply use discount coupon code KNIGHTLAMP24.

For more information, visit

Courses Attachment Essentials Emotion Mastery