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Empower YOUth Team

Empower YOUth OoHC is dedicated to positively impacting the lives of children and young people through evidence-based theories and therapeutic interventions. Under the visionary leadership of Program Leader Mel Cullingford, our team consists of experienced individuals on the board and key workers who share a profound passion for making a difference in the lives of children.

Guided by renowned theorists such as Bessel van der Kolk, Bruce Perry, and Dan Hughes, our organization is committed to research-backed practices, focusing on understanding and meeting the developmental needs of children and young people. Mel seamlessly integrates principles from these experts, placing the child at the center of our therapeutic interventions.

We emphasize early childhood intervention, closely working with each child to comprehend their unique needs, triggers, and behavioral responses. By understanding what a child or young person is trying to communicate, we tailor interventions to promote healing and foster a supportive environment. Mel's commitment to ongoing learning, including her pursuit of a Graduate Diploma in Mental Health and Neuroscience, reflects our dedication to staying informed about the latest advancements in trauma-informed care.

Empower YOUth OoHC acknowledges the importance of cultivating a therapeutic environment in all homes, extending support beyond the child. We actively guide and support caregivers in various family dynamics, recognizing the need for a therapeutic approach. By implementing research-backed strategies, we work collaboratively with caregivers to reshape their approach to their child's care. This inclusive methodology ensures comprehensive support for both the child and caregivers on their journey toward healing, growth, and positive change.

Through a comprehensive approach grounded in evidence-backed theories, compassionate care, and continuous learning, Empower YOUth OoHC is poised to empower children and young people, guiding them on a path of healing, growth, and reaching their full potential.

Qualified Professionals Ensuring Safety and Support at Empower Youth

At Empower Youth, our dedicated team is committed to providing exceptional support and guidance to young adults navigating through various challenges. With a diverse range of backgrounds and expertise, our team members bring a wealth of knowledge and compassion to every interaction.

Our key workers have extensive experience in youth work, disability support, and trauma-informed care. They understand the unique needs and complexities that young adults may face, and are adept at providing individualized support to foster growth and development.

In addition, our team includes registered counselors and psychologists who are equipped to offer professional therapeutic interventions. With their expertise, they provide a safe and supportive environment for participants to explore their emotions, process trauma, and develop coping strategies.

At Empower Youth, we prioritize the well-being and safety of our participants. That's why all our employees undergo rigorous qualifications and screenings. Each team member holds relevant qualifications in their respective fields and is committed to ongoing professional development to ensure they deliver the highest standard of care.

Furthermore, every staff member has undergone comprehensive screenings, including Working with Children Checks (WWCC), Police Checks, and NDIS screenings. These measures underscore our commitment to maintaining a safe and trusted environment for the young adults we serve.

With our dedicated team of qualified professionals, Empower Youth is dedicated to empowering young adults to overcome obstacles, build resilience, and thrive in all aspects of their lives.

Empower YOUth Together Empower YOUth Together Empower YOUth Together

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