Expression of Interest

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Booking Process for Programs

At Empower YOUth, we are committed to providing tailored support programs guided by our team of experienced psychologists and therapeutic specialists. Our booking process is designed to ensure that each participant receives the utmost care and attention, starting with an Expression of Interest form.

Upon receiving your Expression of Interest, we aim to respond promptly within 24-48 hours with our availability. During our initial contact, we will discuss your preferences and needs to determine the most suitable program for your child.

Once a program is selected, we will provide you with an intake form tailored to the chosen program. This form allows us to gather essential information about your child's needs and requirements, ensuring that our support is personalized and effective.

Throughout the program, our team conducts daily observations to track progress and ensure alignment with established goals. Rest assured, your child will receive structured sessions led by our team of psychologists and therapeutic specialists.

We understand the importance of professional support, and we are committed to navigating your journey with expertise and compassion. Your child's growth and well-being are our top priorities, and we look forward to accompanying you on this transformative journey.